When I was about 14, I went on the National Scout Jamboree in Virginia. President Monson came to speak to those scouts who wished to hear him, and allowed for the sacrament to be administered. I was in an impromptu choir, which sang "I am a Child of God." I committed those words to memory as a result of that choir, I think.
He spoke from a small gazebo up on a hilltop, and after the meeting (I can't remember a thing he said), many of us rushed up there to shake his hand. I, along with about five other boys, stuck out my hand hoping he could shake it. He shook the hand of the boy next to me, but he looked right into my eyes for a couple seconds.
I will never forget his face, his eyes, or the feeling that flowed into me. It was the Holy Ghost, telling me that this man was different. That he as anointed and special. If I hadn't already known, but had someone tell me he was a prophet, I wouldn't have doubted it for a second. As it was, I knew he was a prophet already, but I understood it a lot better.
A few years later, I attended somebody else's stake conference to hear Elder Nelson speak. (He wasn't the President of the Quorum of the Twelve then.) Afterwards, I went up to shake his hand. This time, there was no other hand to mix up with mine; he shook my hand and spoke very kindly to me. I will always remember him as being kind. He also gave an apostolic blessing then, which was the first time I had ever heard of such a thing.
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2 Nephi 5
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When Nephi constructs the temple, they used what they had. (Verse 15) They couldn't construct the temple like Solomon did, with preciou...
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