Mosiah 16:8 But there is a aresurrection, therefore the grave hath no victory, and the sting of bdeath is swallowed up in Christ.
I've read this scripture before and wondered at how similar it was to Paul's language in Corinthians. Paul wasn't going to born for a long time, so how is it that Abinadi was basically quoting him? My mind has come up with several explanations for this:
1. Paul was quoting Abinadi (not likely, although fun to consider. Paul was quoting somebody, since he references 'that which is written').
2. Abinadi was quoting the same source as Paul (almost certainly the case; they were likely quoting Old Testament scripture).
3. Joseph was looking for filler material so quoted Paul (I'm only including this because even though I think it's false, it has crossed my mind).
4. Oliver took some liberties when scribing and wrote something from the NT he was familiar with (possible, but not likely).
It's helpful to remember that Abinadi wasn't quoting Paul. He didn't have access to the then-unwritten New Testament, he only had access to some of the Old Testament, and personal revelation. Paul didn't say it first, Abinadi did, although I think neither of them did, it was probably Isaiah.
I think that it's healthy to admit to myself that my mind comes up with possibile explanations that don't mesh with the truth or what I was taught. It would be silly of me to pretend like I read those verses and didn't immediately think, 'well, maybe Joseph did just write what he knew'. That's like pretending you are never tempted. It wouldn't be a test if you weren't tempted, and it wouldn't be faith if you didn't choose to work through those thoughts.
My advice to a person who can't shake those thoughts is this:
1. Do the right homework. Check the cross references. Read a conference talk. Pray. Seek inspiration from the correct source.
2. Give it time.
And start doing it now, because it will help when you get to Alma the younger.