Last night, I was saying my prayers after Julianne had spent several minutes giving me some advice. She can be somewhat heavy-handed when she advises, though I prefer it that way. She's direct.
Anyway, while I was praying, I was asking the Lord what I should do, and the answer I got was in the form of a quote from President Nelson's talk to the brethren a few years ago: embrace both your wife and her counsel.
So I did. I took to heart what she said and resolved to follow through, which I did. Of course it went well.
But the other lesson from this is: from what I choose to fill my mind I will receive answers. Meaning, what if I hadn't ever read that talk? What if the quote running through my head was from a questionable movie/book/video? Better to spend a little time up front reading the talks and 'treasuring up the words' so that they're there when you need them.
This is reminding me of Elder Scott talking about scriptures. He refers to them as friends.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Sunday, February 23, 2020
What is Church
Doctrine and Covenants 18:5 reads
Wherefore, if you shall build up my church, upon the foundation of my gospel and my rock, the gates of hell shall not prevail against you.
And 10:67-68 reads
This is my doctrine--whosoever repenteth and cometh unto me, the same is my church.
This idea has been rummaging around in my brain for a few months. What is church? And why do people point fingers at it, or rely on it, or give concretion to its abstraction?
Meaning, lots of people think thoughts that begin with, "if only the church would," or "why did the church do" and so forth.
Lots of people suppose that the church will raise their children or give them money or help them with something
And lots of people consider that 'the church' is a thing.
I think it's an idea. I think that 'the church' is more just a group of people with a unified idea or principle. And really, when you think about the church in action, it often comes down to just one person. The Bishop decides if somebody gets the welfare check or not. The EQP authorizes the moving assistance. So and so gets counsel from some leader. A youth gets inspiration and motivation from somebody else.
The church is just you and me. Which puts a different thought on those scenarios listed above. The church doing something is really just you or me doing something. The church helping our children is really just you and me teaching our children.
I think I'm getting tired of thinking about this, so i'm done.
Wherefore, if you shall build up my church, upon the foundation of my gospel and my rock, the gates of hell shall not prevail against you.
And 10:67-68 reads
This is my doctrine--whosoever repenteth and cometh unto me, the same is my church.
This idea has been rummaging around in my brain for a few months. What is church? And why do people point fingers at it, or rely on it, or give concretion to its abstraction?
Meaning, lots of people think thoughts that begin with, "if only the church would," or "why did the church do" and so forth.
Lots of people suppose that the church will raise their children or give them money or help them with something
And lots of people consider that 'the church' is a thing.
I think it's an idea. I think that 'the church' is more just a group of people with a unified idea or principle. And really, when you think about the church in action, it often comes down to just one person. The Bishop decides if somebody gets the welfare check or not. The EQP authorizes the moving assistance. So and so gets counsel from some leader. A youth gets inspiration and motivation from somebody else.
The church is just you and me. Which puts a different thought on those scenarios listed above. The church doing something is really just you or me doing something. The church helping our children is really just you and me teaching our children.
I think I'm getting tired of thinking about this, so i'm done.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
The Lord only makes covenants with people who repent and have faith in Jesus Christ. Those are the two great qualifiers. (2 Nephi 30:2)
Sam's Setting Apart
Sam was set apart as the 1st counselor in the DQP today:
He was blessed with all the Privileges, Inspiration, Knowledge, and Ability that comes with the calling. He was blessed to understand what his president needed. He was blessed with a keen mind, and a clear head. He was blessed to be a good example to others in school and elsewhere so they could feel the Light of Christ. He was blessed to know what it meant to pass the sacrament to others.
He was blessed with all the Privileges, Inspiration, Knowledge, and Ability that comes with the calling. He was blessed to understand what his president needed. He was blessed with a keen mind, and a clear head. He was blessed to be a good example to others in school and elsewhere so they could feel the Light of Christ. He was blessed to know what it meant to pass the sacrament to others.
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2 Nephi 5
When Nephi constructs the temple, they used what they had. (Verse 15) They couldn't construct the temple like Solomon did, with preciou...
Last night, I was saying my prayers after Julianne had spent several minutes giving me some advice. She can be somewhat heavy-handed when sh...
Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake. What an inspiring way to rekin...
When Nephi constructs the temple, they used what they had. (Verse 15) They couldn't construct the temple like Solomon did, with preciou...