So at the wedding, I mentioned to both the bride and groom that they needed to treat one another with love, kindness, and patience. I don't remember a lot else, but I specifically remember thinking those three words over and over, and was careful to say them.
Then President Nelson said in his priesthood session address the following:
Likewise, we see faithful men who live up to their privileges as bearers of the priesthood. They lead and serve by sacrifice in the Lord’s way with love, kindness, and patience. They bless, guide, protect, and strengthen others by the power of the priesthood they hold. They bring miracles to those they serve while they keep their own marriages and families safe. They shun evil and are mighty elders in Israel.2 I am most thankful for them!
I was reading this quote to the men in our ward when I put that connection together. Holy cow, what an interesting coincidence. I was a little stunned, and felt the Holy Ghost. I don't know why, but I know that those three words were important to both of us.
So, I guess at least one of the points was that I need to work on my love, kindness, and patience.
President Nelson gave a list of five things that would help us receive revelation. Julianne and I stayed up until 2:00 am tying that list to a flower and chocolate for the mothers on mother's day. Unbeknownst to us, pH came that day and taught those five things to the relief society. How about that?
I was just about to call a sister in the ward to help her with a family concern. I got a text from the stake president, reminding me this: Don't let professionals, pills, and programs outweigh the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Timely advice. I was intending to follow it, but still, timely advice.